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An Ode to Mother Earth!

Written by Shailja Singh


Posted on November 20 2023

Namaste to Everyone!

Today we are starting a series on Ayurvastram worldview and designs. If you are wondering what is the connection between a piece of clothing and a perspective on the world, that would be a very good question to ask. Our thinking is that any object that is created is a reflection on the society, our ideas and thoughts, our sense of beauty, our knowledge systems, and our inclinations and desires. In return, that created object has its own little impact in furthering the particular worldview or giving it a new direction.

On this first of many episodes to come (hopefully), we would like to pay homage to our biggest inspiration of all: The ever encompassing, beautiful, boundless, bountiful Mother Earth! While we are all engrossed with our electronic gadgets and the virtual world we have created, just a simple hike up the hills or through a woodland is enough to bring us back to the reality that “Earth is my Mother and I am her child.”

Mother Earth

The trees reach for the sky, the creepers encompass, the birds sing and fly, the animals abound, joyful just for being alive. And all of this flows with the rhythms of day and night, the ebb and the flow of seasons, of rain and sunshine, like a great never-ending symphony. And we are lucky to be a part of it, though often we seem to forget that. The sale of many a pill would certainly be lesser if we would go back to the fold of the Mother more often!

California Poppy Scarf inspiration

In her infinite silhouettes, she presents all the never ending possibilities.

Avni Floral Print Inspiration

So Dear Mother Earth, we present our eternal gratitude for all that you do. Please continue to hold us and guide us, please show us the path of acceptance and joy, and as we revel in your bounties, also lead us onto the journey of self-discovery!

For our beautiful readers, this is our invitation to send in your ideas on what piece of clothing would you like to create? Or what piece of clothing you possess that gives you immense joy and also great utility? Send in your pictures and write-up at, and we will be delighted to publish it on our website customers’ page! Please include "Ayurvastram Customer Perspectives Submission" in your subject line. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Have a beautiful Day!!




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